Welcome to 健康 & 幸福

Doing your best work while you are in college means minding your wellness. At 密歇根州立大学丹佛, we are focused on access to care and support across our campus. 皇冠官网网站的团队 在卫生 & 幸福 are focused on making sure that your 整体 健康 is at the forefront of your college experience. Navigating critically important resources like food, housing, mental and physical 健康care is common for college students and our goal is to make that easy and helpful. Our services in Campus Recreation, the 咨询 Center, and the 健康中心 at Auraria support students through social programming, counseling, psychiatry, basic needs ins安全感、 医疗保险 支持和 other 健康 related matters.